Rss Tutorial Easy way to add RSS XML to your site

Easy way to add RSS XML to your site. RsS Tutorial.

Easy way to Add rss xml feed to your site.

Let's not talk about the history and definition here but start on the process of adding a RSsS XML feed to our site. If you want history etc. Just do a google search for adding rss to your site and you will find the history.

Let's begin...

Open a text editor like notepad. You can use notepad found in windows.
Remember, like in html you have closing tags for almost all tags, similarly all RSS XML tags also need to be closed with the same tag like the opening one, but with a / sign like in html.

A regular RSS feed consists of 5 tags , namely:

Channel is the main tag which will hold other tags. Think of it as the BODY tag of html. Very easy, you open the body tag and put other tags after it, finally close it.


Item is a child of channel. Think of this tag as a heading (H1), tag in html.


Title will contain a small one line heading about the subject like:
&LTtitle&GT Rss tutorial &LT/title&GT

Description holds the description like:
&LTdescription&GT A very simple RSS tutorial. &LT/description&GT

Link contains the URL of the resulting page where all the information is available like:
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT

Don't get worried, it's pretty easy and I will show you how to use these tags. For now just remember the names of the 5 tags, which should not be difficult if you can remember so many html tags. These are just 5 simple ones!
Let's continue, shall we?

So now we have :
&LTtitle&GT Rss tutorial &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT A very simple RSS tutorial. Add RSS to your site in minutes! &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT

The whole thing is called an ITEM, and must be enclosed within item tags which are, &LTitem&GT &LT/item&GT , as shown above. This makes our rss feed look like:

&LTtitle&GT Rss tutorial &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT A very simple RSS tutorial. &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT

Do you remember, I told you that ITEM is a child tag of something you can think of as a BODY tag? Don't look up and tell me the name of it's parent.
Did you say CHANNEL? I knew you are good!

Just like the body tag in html, the channel tag in RSS XML can be placed only 1 time in 1 feed.
You can have a maximum of 15 items in one XML Feed. All 15 inside the same channel tag.

In addition to this, you can also place 1 set of title, description and link tag just after the channel tag. Use it to give the main theme of your site!

The above ITEM and all other ITEMS will go between the &LTchannel&GT and &LT/channel&GT tags. Finally we have the following in our notepad file :

&LTtitle&GT Website Design Software India &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT Website design source for complicated and advanced web tricks! &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT
&LTtitle&GT Rss tutorial &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT A very simple RSS tutorial. &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT

&LTtitle&GT Adding music to site &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT Add music to your site with just 1 click of a button! &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT

&LTtitle&GT Third title &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT Third description &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT related URL &LT/link&GT


Basically the only thing left for you to do is, copy the code above to your notepad and just replace the information with your own information! WAIT, not so soon. We discussed the body like tag, heading like tag, their children, but you need to specify a &LTHTML&GT like tag also!
Without this tag your RSS XML feed will not display at all.
It's simple 3 lines, which you can copy paste...

&LT?xml version="1.0"?&GT
&LTrss version="2.0"&GT


Think of &LT?xml version="1.0"?&GT as the DOCTYPE declaration, and, &LTrss version="2.0"&GT as the HTML tag which needs to be closed with &LT/rss&GT .

Ultimately, you have the following in your notepad file:
Go ahead, copy it. I know you are dying to!!!

&LT?xml version="1.0"?&GT
&LTrss version="2.0"&GT
&LTtitle&GT Website Design Software India &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT Website design source for complicated and advanced web tricks! &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT
&LTtitle&GT Rss tutorial &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT A very simple RSS tutorial. &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT

&LTtitle&GT Adding music to site &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT Add music to your site with just 1 click of a button! &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT &LT/link&GT

&LTtitle&GT Third title &LT/title&GT
&LTdescription&GT Third description &LT/description&GT
&LTlink&GT related URL &LT/link&GT


Save this file with a .XML file and upload to your server. Now simply link to this file from any page where you want to make the RSS available. Most people use an Orange XML image to do this while some also use a blue image while many use a simple text link including me. There are no specifications on this. The file name can also be anything until it is a XML file meaning .XML extension. The orange image although is the most popular form of linking to your xml feed.

Congratulations ! there you have a ready to go RSS XML feed for your site. When you publish a rss feed, consider validating it at