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Free hosting providers list

Below is a list of free hosting providers. We have tested the following hosting providers. Some of their major benefits are also listed along with information like hosting space, bandwidth, FTP or browser based, server side scriptting etc.

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HostGator hosting 5000MB space free hosting,No ads hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP.
AwardSpace hosting 200MB hosting space,No ads hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl FreeHostia Personal, Business 250MB hosting space,No ads hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl JayWebDesigns 500MB hosting space,No ads hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl ZendURL hosting 101MB hosting space,No ads hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl HostFreeWeb hosting 100MB hosting space,No ads hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl 100Webspace hosting 100MB hosting space,ads supported hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl AstralWebhost hosting 150MB hosting space,ads supported hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl AddYour hosting 500MB hosting space,ads supported hosting,FTP, Browser,PHP, SSI. ProfuseHost hosting 1000MB hosting space,ads supported hosting,FTP, Browser,CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl