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Web directory submission...
Lots of links Quality links , Waiting .

There are no major secret behind search engine optimization. You need three things ,
original content ,
optimized content and
lots of high quality backlinks.

The importance must be put in QUALITY backlinks. This mean links from site with high PageRank and from site with a high link popularity.
To get those quality backlinks, there are not many other options than to do it manually.

The task is tidious and boring ! Result , you find many websites offerring submission to 500,000 or so search engines and directories .

Unfortunately , maximum of these supposed directories surprisingly 99% are nothing but Link farms which have no or low page rank and of poor quality or FFA pages , Free For All , where your link does not stay for more than an hour or so .

Why is webdirectory submission important ? Simple , the more webdirectories you submit to , the more number of links you could have coming to your website . Each link is counted as a vote while ranking your website in search results . Needless to mention one who has the maximum votes wins .

Webdirectories are not only a good source of a back link but they also send you visitors . You might not know but the first website created was a webdirectory . A small one . Let's see how many visitors we can get from webdirectories alone .

Keeping the figure very very small to just one visitor from one directory , and assuming that you have a listing in 127 directories , you get 127 visitors daily . That's 3810 a month . Any idea what that many people can do for your sales ?

Don't forget the rank boost in search engines . A higher listing means more possible traffic .

Webdirectory submission is effective but boring ! The minimum required is :

Logon to their website ,
Find yourself a suitable category ,
Find a sub category if necessary ,
Click the add link ,
Type the Title ,
Type the Description ,
Type the URL ,
Type the email ,
Type your name ,
type any other details asked for .

That is the minimum that you will have to do to only submit to only one directory alone . We talked about 127 above . Heck , there are more . I got exactly 677 directories in my list .Over 407 accept free submission meaning you don't have to pay them for inclusion in the directory . Then there are specific nitch directories and some smaller directories as well like some family directory or so .

It is not just tiring but killing even thinking submitting to these many directories . But it pays back in the form of Many visitors coming on to your website everyday and of course added search engine rank . But don't forget that almost all the directories have an editor reviewing your website . Nothing to be guarded secretly it's quality and unique content . By unique content I mean no mirror websites and original content . Again , the whole thing comes back to unique and original content . Where do I find unique content ?

By uniqueness it does not mean that you dig some grave and find out a breathing man inside . The uniqueness could be in the form of writing style , your opinion is unique , your perseption is unique , your beliefs are unique . A webmaster started an interview section on his website where he posted a few answers he put to other webmasters and this alone brought ten fold traffic to his website . The discussion was on " how these webmasters were able to divert high traffic to their websites ?" . See that's original and uniquely done .

Once you are past the webdirectory stage , you can concentrate on Link exchange programs . Don't forget search engines also see whom you are linking to . A link to a link farm could get you penalised . Once penalised it could take anything from a month to an year before search engine would even visit your website and forget about ranking in search results . Anyway that's another topic .

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