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Of the enormous benefits , I am focusing on two main benefits of xhtml website on this page .
  1. Adaptability with all browser types , devices ..

  2. Syntax Error Free pages .

Before continuing any further , a little about XHTML .

XHTML stands for Extensive Hypertext Markup Language . It is a stricter version of HTML . You can learn XHTML here .

Adaptability with all browser types , devices .

The XhTML is acceptted by all the browsers including Mobile phone browsers . The pages displayed in these browsers should fit in the small screen of mobile phones . Additionally the phone browser should be able to read the TAGS . These browsers are able to read the XHTML format . The XHTML has a closing tag for all the tags , and the mobile phone browsers understand when to close the tag only when a closing isfound . You can DISTORT your website in a mobile browser by not closing the "P" tag before starting another one .

Syntax Error Free pages .

As pointed out above and on the learn XHTML page , XHTML is strict HTML . This means that there is no room for any syntax errors . This means that the pages are error free . These pages are faster to load and are better indexed by search engines as well . MSN , the microsoft search engine , clearly mentions on their webmaster help page that all the tags should be properly closed . This is a part of XHTML , to make sure that all tags are properly closed .

From the point of a webmaster , it is important for me to get my fresh content in search engines as fast as possible . The search engine google made it easier when it announced the Sitemap Submission scheme . However the sitemap is best acceptted when in XML format . More on google sitemaps with free generator is here . Google now also launches sitemap submission for Mobile phone browser compatible pages . The google sitemap generator supports the generation of Mobile compatible pages .

The above are only a few benefits of having a website that can load on Mobile phones . Needless to say that it is surely added Exposure .